

...the temperature i saw on the thermometer today!
...the number of minutes i intended to walk today -- turned longer when the trail took me somewhere unexpected. =P
...the maximum [cloth] diaper changes possible before we have to do laundry.
...the minimum number of minutes it takes to prepare to leave the house with an infant in tow.
...the number of hours left before the olympics take hold of our lives.
...the approximate number of bites of chocolate cake i enjoyed today.
...the number of years God's granted me in this sweet life thus far!  yeah!

and look how i have been loved by my two favorites!  happiness abounds.


  1. Happy Birthday rj! I wish we could be there to celebrate with you! Love, Denise

  2. Can it be possible that we have known you for that many year, R? You were just a baby when we met you at church in June! Congrats on your own special daughter!

    dianne t
